Round, Square, Slot, Triangle, Long round, Scale, Diamond, Oval.
in chemical machinery, pharmaceutical equipment, food and beverage machinery, cigarette machinery, harvester, dry cleaning machine, hot table, muffler equipment, refrigeration equipment (central air conditioning) speakers, handicraft production, papermaking, hydraulic accessories, filtration equipment and other industries.
Plain dutch weave
Twilled dutch weave
Reverse dutch waeve 1
Reverse dutch weave 2
Five-heddle weave
Material Production
Diameter Inspect
Tension Test
Material Check
Material Check
Trimming Edge
Length and Width Inspect
Hole Size Test
Mesh Inspect
Intension Test
Diameter Inspect
Thickness Inspect
Role size Inspect
Mesh Test
Length and Width Check
Trimming Edge
Mesh Inspect
Cardboard Tube
Thick Paper Board
Thick Plastic Cloth
Perfect Wooden Case
Thick Plastic Bubble Film
Excellent Cover
Steel Strap Fix
Package Check
Container Transport